

Dear Dr. [Name],

I am writing to inquire about your services as a licensed psychologist. I have been experiencing some emotional difficulties lately and I believe that seeking professional help may be beneficial for me.

Background Information

I have been feeling overwhelmed and anxious most of the time, which has affected my ability to perform daily tasks efficiently. I also find myself struggling with low self-esteem and negative thoughts about myself and my abilities. These feelings have been persistent for a few months now, and I feel like they are beginning to take a toll on my personal and professional life.


I would like to know more about the services you offer as a psychologist. What kind of therapy do you specialize in? Do you offer individual therapy sessions or group therapy sessions? How long are the sessions typically? What is your availability like?

Pricing and Insurance

Additionally, I would like to know about your pricing structure and whether or not you accept insurance. If so, what insurance providers do you work with?

Next Steps

If possible, I would like to schedule an appointment with you to discuss my concerns further. Please let me know what your availability looks like in the next few weeks.

Thank you for taking the time to read my inquiry. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


[Your Name]
