

As a child psychologist, my job is to help children cope with their emotions and behaviors. During sessions, I ask questions to understand their thoughts and feelings better.

Questions about family

I often ask children about their family dynamics. How do they get along with their parents and siblings? Is there anything that makes them feel upset or angry at home?

Questions about school

School is a significant part of a child's life, so I also ask questions about it. Do they enjoy going to school? Are there any subjects that are challenging for them? Have they ever been bullied or experienced any negative interactions with peers?

Questions about emotions

I always make sure to ask how the child feels. Are they happy, sad, angry, or scared? What triggers these emotions, and how do they cope with them?

Questions about behavior

To understand the child's behavior better, I might ask if they have difficulty following rules or if they have trouble controlling their impulses. We can work together to find practical solutions for these issues.


Through asking these types of questions, I can develop a deeper understanding of the child's needs and work towards improving their mental health and overall well-being.
