
The Effectiveness of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treating Depression


The Role of Acupuncture in Depression Treatment

Acupuncture is a widely practiced therapy within TCM that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body. The goal is to restore balance and flow within the body's energy pathways known as meridians. Studies have shown that acupuncture can effectively reduce depressive symptoms by promoting neurotransmitter regulation, specifically serotonin and endorphins release, which are crucial for mood stabilization. Furthermore, acupuncture has also been found to modulate brain regions associated with emotional processing, suggesting its potential as an adjunctive therapy for depression management.

Herbal Medicine for Depression

Another fundamental element within TCM is herbal medicine or medicinal plants' use to address imbalances in the body. Herbs like St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), Rhodiola rosea, and Baihe (Lilium brownii) have demonstrated positive effects on depression symptoms by enhancing neurotransmitter levels or regulating hormonal activities related to mood regulation. However, it is essential to note that herbal medicine should be prescribed by trained professionals due to potential interactions with other medications.

Mind-Body Exercises: A Holistic Approach

